SVG in Power BI – Part 4 – Adding SVG Text

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Text SVG in a table


This is the fourth post in my series on using SVG in Power BI introducing adding SVG text and actually solves one of the niggles I had with doing KPI figures in Power BI. I didn’t get to do this part as part of my session which started this series. Here is the list of posts.

  1. Introduction to SVG Basics
  2. KPI Shapes in Power BI
  3. Filling up with colour using SVG in Power BI
  4. Using Text in SVG
  5. Using SVG Rotate to create a dial in Power BI
  6. SVG Icons in Conditional Formatting
  7. Using a Theme to add SVG Icons
  8. Feb 2023 Update – 5 SVG Stars
KPI Visual

My niggle was the KPI visual. It is a fast way to have a red or green measure displayed. BUT, it requires a trend axis even if you don’t want one and it includes a tiny red exclamation mark or green tick. So I wanted the red / green and the goal shown with no trend or ticks and exclamation marks.

Simple Text Element

SVG Text elements need an x and y attributes to position the text and a style attribute that uses CSS notation to choose font properties. The example below has the word Hello where the bottom lower left corner is at 20,60.

Text Measure = 
// svg essentials
    var svg_start = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'>"
    var svg_end = "</svg>"
// text element including a style tag
    var svg_text ="<text x='20' y='60' style='font:normal 20px sans-serif;'>Hello</text>"
    svg_start & svg_text & svg_end

Aligning SVG Text

If I am going to replace the KPI visual I need to place a number centred in the SVG graphic. The default alignment is the x and y are the bottom left. This can be changed using the text-anchor attribute for the text element; it can be set to start, middle or end.

Below is an example of the string ABC being aligned start, middle and end.

Text Measure = 
// svg essentials
    var svg_start = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'>"
    var svg_end = "</svg>"
// text element including a style tag
    var svg_text1 ="<text x='50' y='20' style='font:normal 20px sans-serif;' text-anchor='start'>ABC</text>"
    var svg_text2 ="<text x='50' y='50' style='font:normal 20px sans-serif;' text-anchor='middle'>ABC</text>"
    var svg_text3 ="<text x='50' y='80' style='font:normal 20px sans-serif;' text-anchor='end'>ABC</text>"
    svg_start & svg_text1 & svg_text2 & svg_text3 & svg_end
aligning text

My KPI Visual

To replace the KPI shown at the start of this post I want a number in the middle of the square showing the measure, bottom left the goal and bottom right how close to the goal we were.

My KPI = 
// svg essentials
    var svg_start = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'>"
    var svg_end = "</svg>"
// 3 text elements, actual, goal and % close
    var svg_Indicator ="<text x='50' y='50' style='font:normal 35px sans-serif;' text-anchor='middle'>"
                        & FORMAT([Total Sales],"#,##0") & "</text>"
    var svg_goal =  "<text x='0' y='90' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='start'>Goal</text>"
                    & "<text x='0' y='98' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='start'>"
                        & FORMAT([Target Sales],"#,##0") & "</text>"
    var svg_close ="<text x='100' y='98' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='end'>"
                        & FORMAT([KPI Close],"0%") & "</text>"
    svg_start & svg_Indicator & svg_goal & svg_close & svg_end

Format function is used to format the number into comma, #,##0 and percent, 0% formats.

The last part is to colour the number based on the Indicator reaching the target. This was covered in Part 2 of this series so I’ll just give the final code.

My KPI = 
// svg essentials
    var svg_start = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'>"
    var svg_end = "</svg>"
// calculate colour for element
    var ind_colour = IF([Total Sales]<[Target Sales],"Red","Green")

// 3 text elements, actual, goal and % close
    var svg_Indicator ="<text x='50' y='50' style='font:normal 35px sans-serif;' text-anchor='middle' 
                            fill='" & ind_colour & "'>"
                        & FORMAT([Total Sales],"#,##0") & "</text>"
    var svg_goal =  "<text x='0' y='90' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='start'>Goal</text>"
                    & "<text x='0' y='98' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='start'>"
                        & FORMAT([Target Sales],"#,##0") & "</text>"
    var svg_close ="<text x='100' y='98' style='font:normal 10px sans-serif;' text-anchor='end'>"
                        & FORMAT([KPI Close],"0%") & "</text>"
    svg_start & svg_Indicator & svg_goal & svg_close & svg_end
add colour to KPI

My KPI in a Table

One advantage of the SVG text KPI over the KPI visual is it can be embedded within a table. The total line will work as long as the number measures work.

table of svg kpis


Adding SVG text to a visual does make the visual more informative and the above example makes conditional formatting and data layout possible in a table.

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