Power BI Dataflow – Create Dataflow from Export
There are times when you need to copy a dataflow from one workspace to another workspace. Power BI service provides a simple way to export the definition as a json file and then import.
Dataflow Series
This post is part of a series on dataflows.
- Create a Dataflow
- Set up Dataflow Refresh
- Endorsement
- Diagram View
- Refresh History
- Create Dataflow from Export JSON File
- Incremental Refresh
YouTube Version
Export dataflow as json file
![select export json](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_001-1024x639.png)
In the workspace of the original workspace, click on the three dots next to the dataflow and select Export json. When the file is ready a message will appear in the top right.
![message to say export file is ready](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_002-1024x438.png)
Create dataflow from json file
![New Dataflow Import Model](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_003-1024x885.png)
In the destination workspace click on the New dropdown and select dataflow. From the options then displayed select Import Model. Select a your json file. Once the json file has imported a message will appear in the top right.
![import successful](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_004-1024x473.png)
Although your dataflow has been created you are left on the dataflow creation page. You need to return to the workspace to see your new dataflow.
![new dataflow from export](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_005.png)
Check Credentials
The dataflow will not have refreshes setup as that is not part of the model. It is also recommended that you confirm that the credentials are correctly loaded. If you the dataflow is from another user or another tenancy you will need to re-login each credential.
![check credentials](https://hatfullofdata.blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/export_006.png)
To check the credentials you need to click on the three dots next to your new dataflow and select Settings. In settings, expand Data source credentials. If any of the credentials have a cross next to them click on Edit credentials to re-login.
Part of my work is to build dataflows to assist people fathom the depths of Microsoft Project data. The ability to export a dataflow means I have been able to transfer a solution between different teams across the company.
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