PowerApps – Function Component

This post is to describe how I solved a problem using a component. The problem was I wanted to have calculation I could reuse. In a more traditional programming environment I would write a function. Components are reusable so it kind of made sense to use one of them as a function component..
Calculation Details
The calculation I wanted to do was convert a decimal number to a hex number. PowerApps doesn’t have a function to do this so I worked out the calculation. I added a text input to take the decimal number and then a label to contain the calculation.

Create the Function Component
In my app I had already turned on components and added a new component. Shane Young does a great intro to components found here. I then added 2 custom properties. DEC is the decimal value as an input to my component like a parameter to a function and HEX as the returned value.

I then clicked on the HEX Value to enter in a the formula as the following code.
SecondBit: Mod(
If(FirstBit>9,Char(55+FirstBit),FirstBit) &
Using the Function Component
Back on the screen of my app I can use the component using a slider value as the input. I can hide the component as it doesn’t need to be seen.
I needed a HEX value to use in some SVG for an image. In this example I used a slider to determine red value from 0 to 255. I add the component and pass in the slider value into the DEC. I then use the HEX in the SVG code I’m using in an image. See my Introduction to SVG to explain the SVG part.

I could then add a slider and component for green, blue and transparency to make my image fully adjustable.
Components as function opens many possibilities and as 2 of my favourite PowerApp builders Hiro and Brian Dang use them I’m going to explore them some more.
Thanks to Brian Dang for giving me a tidier version of the calculation using nested WITH functions. So the calculation inside the component is now:
CalcValue: Mod(DECtoHEX.DEC,16)
FirstBit: (DECtoHEX.DEC-CalcValue)/16,
SecondBit: CalcValue
If(FirstBit>9,Char(55+FirstBit),FirstBit) &