Power BI – Switch Dataverse Tenancy

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Connecting to Dataverse with Power BI to report on the business data is becoming easier and more common. One difference with connecting to Dataverse is there are two connectors involved. One to list the available environments and the second to connect to the data. Occasionally you need to change to point to a different tenancy which means changing the first connector to switch Dataverse tenancy.

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Starting Point

Dataverse button on the Home ribbon

When I click Dataverse on the Home ribbon the navigator shows me where I last connected. I need to connect to a different tenancy for this report.

Navigator window showing the wrong tenancy

Switch Dataverse Tenancy

You need to change the login for the Dataverse login. From the Home ribbon, click the down arrow on Transform data and select Data source settings. In the Data source settings dialog select Global permissions. Then select Dataverse and select Edit Permissions.

3 steps to switch Dataverse tenancy.

In the Edit Permissions dialog click on the Edit button. This will prompt you to login to the different tenancy. If you do not have a Privacy Level selected I recommend you select one, often Organizational will fit most data sources. It will depend upon your company’s policy.


Now when I click on the Dataverse button I get the list of environments on the different tenancy.

Navigator dialog showing successful switch Dataverse tenancy

The Dataverse connector is only used to populate the Dataverse Navigator window. Switching the tenancy will not break any other reports. If all you do is report from one tenancy you will never have to do this. Though I’ve been asked to explain this multiple times.

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