Power BI – Introducing the Hierarchy Slicer

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Does your data include a hierarchy? We often can end up with multiple slicers to walk the hierarchy taking up valuable screen. This post does a quick walk through using the new hierarchy slicer.

Slicer Series

This series will cover different topics regarding slicers.

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Adding a Hierarchy Slicer

Add a slicer from the visualisation pane and add the top level of the hierarchy, for example ProdRange from my products table. A tick list will appear just as previously.

adding first field  to hierarchy slicer

The add the next level down of the hierarchy into the Field box under the top level field. The slicer will now have down arrows that can be clicked to expand to show the next level down of the hierarchy.

In March 2020 you need to activate the Hierarchy Slicer in File – Options – Preview features and then save and restart Power BI. When this visual is not in preview you won’t have to.

adding second field to hierarchy slicer

Multiple layers can be added to the hierarchy. Of course the usability of the slicer needs to be considered when adding many layers.

Adding multiple layers to hierarchy slicer

Formatting a Hierarchy Slicer

This slicer can still be formatted as a drop down or changed to be single select. The single select allows a whole level of the hierarchy to be selected such as the whole year or a whole month.

formatting the slicer

Using Search

When search is turned on in a tick list the search returns the terms plus the parents or children of the items returned.

hierarchy search


The Hierarchy slicer is a great addition to Power BI and I am sure will replace groups of multiple slicers in many reports.

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Over 20 year experience at being passionate about training, solving problems and loving a new challenge especially in the Microsoft's Power Platform suite.

1 Response

  1. Hi Laura
    Thanks for your post – it’s a good summary of recent release. I am using new hierarchy in my organization and I was waiting for this release. I found out about this from the Guy in the Cube YouTube channel , enabled it and started using this in my reports.
    I am now facing one issue when selecting an item from the next level in the hierarchy, for example if I select “Single Rose” it will show “Multiple selection”. In fact this is true, because we selected “Flowers” and then “Single Rose”, but I would prefer returning “Single Rose”. I can a card and using DAX SELECTEDVALUE I can show what’s been selected, but is there a better, nice way of doing this?

    Many thanks