Power BI – Clear all Slicers Button

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The March 2023 Power BI update included a new button, Clear All Slicers. This allows you very quickly add a reset on a report for the slicers. It partly replaces the previous method explained in https://hatfullofdata.blog/power-bi-resetting-slicers-with-a-bookmark-button/

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Adding the Button

Insert button menu

Head to the Insert ribbon and under Buttons select “Clear all slicers”. Nothing else needs to be done, although I would recommend formatting the button. The button will reset slicers to have no filters applied.

Clear all slicers button
showing the effect of clicking the button to clear filters


The default styling for this button does not include a border. My opinion, which is potentially wrong, is there should be a border of some sort.

The March 2023 update also included formatting updates. So to access the formatting pane of the button you might need to click the ellipses (…) on the button and select Format.

Showing the menu on the ellipses

In the format pane on the right of the screen look for Button Style. In that section you will find Text and Border. You can change and format both the display text and the border details.

Word of Caution

The button to reset slicers back to no filter. You need to be clear what that excludes. It will not remove filters applied by clicking on a visual and will not change a slicer that has a single select. You will need to use the previous method linked above to achieve that.


For most reports this is a great addition. Too many reports with lots of slicers do not include a quick obvious way to reset the report filters. Combined with an apply all filters button this will greatly assist on filtering and unfiltering a direct query report.

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