22nd August 2020 Power BI – Import Text Using Examples Import text using examples was introduced in the 2020 August update for Power BI. It writes the Power Query steps to transform a non-tabular text file into a table. Categories Power BI/Power Query
15th August 2020 Power BI – Q&A Synonyms Update Q&A allows report readers to ask questions regarding the report data. Natural language interpretation can be improved by using Q&A synonyms. Categories Power BI/Updates
6th August 2020 Thank You! One Year On At the end of July 2019 I decided to posting more regularly to my own blog and on the 5th August 2019 I posted my first video on YouTube. This post is to say thank you to anyone reading this and any other post or watching a video. I remember being highly amused when I got 25 subscribers and when... Categories YouTube
1st August 2020 Power BI – Endorse a Dataset as Promoted or Certified Connecting to an existing dataset is highly recommended if possible. To encourage report builders to select the right datasets you can endorse a dataset. Categories Power BI/How to/YouTube